
Headshot of faculty member Marie Haverfield
Dr. Marie Haverfield, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies

Marie Haverfield, College of 社会科学s

"In Spring 2020, I oversaw independent studies of three Communication Studies graduate students: Anum Ahmed, Yesenia Carrillo, and Jasmine Itliong. 我们一起探索 interview data from oncology patients, caregivers, and providers to understand experiences and preferences for communication during prognostic conversations. 这些毕业生 students learned how to develop their own coding scheme, apply that coding scheme, work with 一个 another to ensure reliability across coding, and interpret the results. We are currently writing a paper based on our findings, of which all three students 会是共同作者. An added bonus to this experience is that all three graduate students are women of color, advancing their own academic growth and enriching the field with 他们重要的观点. I’m thrilled to be in a role that affords me the opportunity to support this process and look forward to ongoing collaborations with my students."



Professor of Meteorology and Climate 科学 to Direct Wildfire Interdisciplinary 研究中心

圣何塞州立大学 has established the largest academic Wildfire Interdisciplinary 研究中心 (WIRC) in the United States with five new tenure-track faculty members and millions of dollars in new technology. 的 purpose of the new center is to serve as the leading institution in California, providing modern, state-of-knowledge on 野火科学与管理. Professor of Meteorology and Climate 科学 and Director of the Fire Weather 研究 Lab Craig Clements will serve as director of 这个新中心. 

Selena Anderson interviews Natalie Baszile

菠菜网lol正规平台分类. Professor Wins Rona Jaffe Foundation 2019 Writers’ Award

Dr. Selena Anderson, assistant professor in 菠菜网lol正规平台's creative writing program, was among six emerging female authors to be honored by the Rona Jaffe Foundation in 2019. 的 recipients were chosen through a rigorous selection process conducted by a small committee of established writers who serve anonymously. 的 recipients this year received $40,000 每个人都在一个招待会上. 12 that was followed by a reading on Sept 13 at New York University’s Creative Writing Program Reading Series at the Lillian Vernon Writers 房子.


Professor Gitte McDonald receives prestigious NSF CAREER Award

 Moss Landing Marine Laboratories is proud to announce that faculty member, Dr. 林 (Gitte) McDonald, has been awarded a CAREER Award from the National 科学 Foundation.

的 Accidental Geographer: A Podcast with Vincent Del Casino, 菠菜网lol正规平台 Provost

菠菜网lol正规平台 Provost Vincent Del Casino's podcast highlights the expertise of the faculty at 圣何塞州立大学, whose research, teaching, and commitments to community engagement bring life to this cutting-edge university. “偶然的地理学家” is a play on words, an attempt to demonstrate that even for these accomplished scholars, life often creates opportunity out of “the accident.”
